Happy Sunny Huna Healing Days
Here in the UK, we have had a few sustained days of wonderful sunshine and I have had the good fortune of spending some time near the coast just savouring the sunshine and sea. A...
Here in the UK, we have had a few sustained days of wonderful sunshine and I have had the good fortune of spending some time near the coast just savouring the sunshine and sea. A...
I have had the pleasure of providing mentoring for Cécilia who has been working to become an Alakai of Huna International. Recently Cécilia was ordained by Serge King in recognition of her achievement. She has...
Why learn and practice Huna? There are so many reasons to learn and use Huna. It is almost an endless list and at a very high level this includes: Personally: become more empowered, harmonious and joyful...
Luck is an interesting concept, sometimes discarded as insubstantial, sometimes relied on excessively and often misunderstood and not well explored. In this article, we (Pete Dalton and Stewart Blackburn) offer some musings on the topic...
If you want to learn about Huna or have a chance to practice more, why not join me and Stewart Blackburn for our forthcoming Introduction to Huna online workshop. January 2024 could be the start...
“The only constant in life is change“ – Heraclitus Dealing With A Fear Of Change I was recently talking to someone who was extremely fearful of change and particularly disliked the idea that the future...
What is Huna? This is a fundamental question for any budding Huna Adventurer. In the short video below Serge King discusses what the word Huna means and how the term like a nickname that contains...
Stewart Blackburn and I are excited to be offering this Huna: Manifestation, Grokking and Healing Workshop in April and May.This series of three workshops explores three discreet topics from a Huna perspective. Each workshop will...
Forgiveness is a concept that we are all familiar with to some extent, however, how many of us really take the time to reflect on what forgiveness really means? I offer some perspectives on the...
We were kindly sent the following question: The news concerning our planet is making me sick; I am only one small creature in all the big issues that are happening right now and I don’t...