The Seven Huna Principles Every Day

In this article we (Stewart and Pete) reflect on some of the ways in which we use the wonderful Seven Principles of Huna in our everyday life.

A Powerful Synergy

Stewart writes:

For one thing, I need to remind myself regularly that each of us is living in a different reality. Since each of us is creating our own world individually with our thoughts, what I experience is not entirely the same as anyone else. This brings forth compassion and the need to make an effort to understand where other people are coming from. I may not really fathom other people’s perspectives, but I absolutely need to respect them. This is using Ike (awareness) as well as Aloha (love).

Another way I use these principles every day is in being mindful of what is working for me and what is not. This is Pono (effectiveness, harmony). I, like most of us, I think), was taught a great many things about the world that are nonsense, at best. Unless I am willing to examine these ideas and beliefs, I am running my life based on faulty assumptions. It’s more work than I’d like, but I think it’s necessary in order to have a sense of freedom (Kala) and Mana (Power). A corollary of this principle is that there’s always another way to do something. So, I find it very useful to look for alternative ways of thinking and doing things, even if I keep coming back to the old ways.

Makia (focus) is very important to me. I love studying how energy works in the human experience and it is a goal of mine to deeply understand the ways that our focus directs energy. We can explore other perspectives, other “realities,” direct “healing” where it’s needed, and imagine solutions to whatever problems we have. What a wonderful “muscle” focus is to be able to do so much and we direct all that with willing our focus from one thing to another. Holding a focus changes our state of consciousness, and letting it wander opens us up to new insights and inspirations.

And remembering where my power comes from (inside) keeps me from seeking it outside of myself. There are plenty of times each day when I need to summon my power to accomplish tasks and deal with my challenges. The world seems to bombard us with messages that this or that is what we need when our solutions are readily available by going inside and asking questions there.

While each principle stands by itself as great wisdom, it is in putting them together that we can take advantage of their synergy.

Rumble Strips Along The Way

Pete writes:

As I have written elsewhere (e.g. Revisiting The Seven Principles of Huna: A Worthwhile Practice) the Seven Principles of Huna are extremely useful concepts with a wide range of uses.  As a result, it is a valuable exercise to revisit them again and again in order to gain new insights and discover new applications.

I would like to share another way that I find the Seven Principles to be of particular value.  From time to time we all face challenges in life, things can get very busy, unforeseen circumstances can occur and at these times we risk losing perspective and losing sight of the things that are important and valuable to us.

When faced with such challenges the seven principles provide an excellent compass or navigational tool to find out where you are going off track and discover ways to get back on track. 

The first step is to become aware that things are going off track.  This sounds simple, but it’s easy to let things build and get overwhelming and not pay attention to what your body, mind, emotions and spirit are telling you. 

So, a simple practice is to tune into your feelings and notice whether you are feeling pleasure or not. The chances are that when things are tough there won’t be too much pleasure.  This is a good indicator that it’s time to make some changes. 

From this point you can reflect on each of the seven principles in turn and discover how they are, or are not, showing up in your life at this time and tune in and see what answers come to you.  For example, you might consider the following questions:

  • What am I not seeing that would be useful to be aware of? Is there anything I need to find out? What am I believing right now? Are these beliefs useful?
  • What do I feel is possible right now? Where am I limiting myself? What am I not letting go?
  • Where is my focus right now? Is it too one sided and narrow?  Could I zoom in or out to get another perspective? How does my energy ‘feel’ right now? Where am I focussing my energy?
  • Where are my thoughts mostly right now?  How much am I focussed on the past or future? How centred am I feeling? Have I just chosen to ‘stop’ recently?
  • What am I taking time to appreciate?  How often? How connected do I feel? How often have I noticed things that I can be grateful for recently? How judgemental am I being?
  • Who does it feel like is in control right now? Where do I feel my power lies at the moment? What can I do to change things?
  • How flexible am I being? How open to new ideas am I? What solutions can I find? How much do I feel motivated by emotions such as fear and insecurity?

Used in this way the seven principles become like rumble strips on the road that help us notice when we are at risk of going off track. Simply using the seven principles as an inquiry tool can remind us about where we need to get back on track to be more joyous, effective and harmonious.


About the Authors

Pete is an Alakai of Huna International living in the UK. He uses Huna for coaching and empowerment and produces the Huna Adventurer’s Newsletter. For more information and to sign up to the free newsletter visit:

Stewart is an Alakai of Huna International living on Big Island Hawaii. Stewart’s website is  He can be reached by email at

Pete and Stewart are running a seven part online workshop Diving Deeper Into the Seven Principles of Huna starting on October 2nd. Details and booking info is at the link below:

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