Inspiring Labyrinth Art

I am really honoured to be able to share this wonderful image of a labyrinth. This was produced by friend and fellow alakai Lois Stokes. Lois is an artist of the spirit who practices art as a moving meditation.

The labyrinth is a powerful symbol. You can watch Serge King talking about labyrinths as energy devices here and here you can read more ideas about the use of labyrinth symbology here including about Jim Fallon’s idea on finger walking a labyrinth symbol.

In addition to the specific uses of a labyrinth, images in general take us beyond the day to day language of words. Certain images can inspire us to reflect and can move us at a deep level. This image provides an opportunity to practice ‘nalu’ a useful contemplation technique. In its simplest form this involves taking some time to look at the image, tuning in and noticing what you notice. Stop when you feel satisfied that it is the right time to stop. I think this is a wonderful image to use.

Many thanks again to Lois for contributing this amazing art. More of Lois’s work can be seen here:

If you want to share your experiences I would love to hear from you.  Also I am looking for inspirational images for the Huna Adventurer’s newsletter so if you would like to contribute please contact me at: or use the form here. If requested contributors will be credited.

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Labyrinth Symbology and fingerwalking a labyrinth

Serge Kahili King talking about labyrinths as energy devices.

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