Mahalo 2022

As we enter the last month of the 2022, and I begin to reflect back on the year to date, I have a lot to be grateful for. As we know, it is extremely useful to take time to fully savour the things for which we are grateful. Here’s just a few Huna related things to report on:

Hosting Huna Workshops with Serge King

It’s been great to have been hosting some wonderful events with my dear friend and mentor Serge Kahili King. He really is a font of wisdom when it comes to all things Huna and it has been brilliant to help him share this knowledge more widely. We’ve hd great groups of attendees from many different countries.

Huna Coaching

It’s been really rewarding this year to have coached people to achieve particular goals or to explore more deeply how to live effectively and harmoniously using the wonderful Huna principles. Also great to be supporting an alakai candidate on her journey to become an alakai of Aloha International.

Huna Events

I’ve really enjoyed running the Introduction to Huna – A Shamanic Path to Inner Harmony and Power workshops and the Further Huna Adventures workshops in collaboration with the wonderful Stewart Blackburn. As always, as I teach, I learn, and it was great to hear the experiences of attendees and help people onward with their own Huna adventures.

Putting Huna Into Practice

Each day, each week, each year, I am grateful for the opportunities to put Huna into practice. and 2022 has been no different. The principles of awareness, freedom, focus, presence, love, power and effectiveness provide unlimited opportunities to increase effectiveness and harmony and do a little bit to make my inner and outer world a better place.

The People: You

Last but certainly not least is a common thread through all of this – the people that I have connected with. If you are reading this, you are most certainly included here. I am grateful for all who have:

  • read my newsletter and writing
  • asked a question or just said hello (it can be a lonely business at times so great to get some feedback)
  • attended any events or took part in coaching
  • shared advice, friendship, kindness and support

And the list goes on…. Thank you!

I am looking forward to 2023 and am the process of planning some new offerings.

As it is winter here, I thought a nice Hawaiian sunset as the image with this post would warm things up!

As always, have Happy Huna Adventures wherever you are.

Stay connected

Mahalo nui loa


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