Discover the Power of NOW!

Have you ever wondered how much potential lies within the present moment?

In our fast-paced world, we often get caught up in the whirlwind of “what’s next” or “what could have been.” But the wisdom of the Huna principles reminds us that the greatest power we hold exists now.

Join us as we dive deep into one of the seven Huna principles: Manawa, which teaches that now is the moment of power. This profound concept encourages us to tap into the present to transform our lives.

Some Questions to Consider:

  • How often do you find yourself dwelling on the past or worrying about the future?
  • When was the last time you felt fully present, connected, and empowered in the moment?
  • How might your life change if you embraced the present as your source of power?
  • What opportunities for growth or joy are you missing by not fully immersing yourself in now?

When we realize that the present moment holds the key to our power, we can release the chains of the past and free ourselves from the anxieties of the future. Manawa reminds us that we are the creators of our reality—right here, right now.

Ready to step into your power? Reflect on the questions above and see how Manawa can help you align with the magic of the moment.

Remember, now is always the perfect time to reclaim your power! 

Join Us For An Exploration of the Wonderful Seven Principles

If you want to explore the Seven Principles in more detail and how you can use them for more pleasure, insight, empowerment and effectiveness join us for a new seven part online workshop series Diving Deeper Into The Seven Principles of Huna.

These sessions are run by Stewart Blackburn and me and session one starts on November 4th. There are seven sessions (surprise) and these take place weekly at 7pm UK time. Diving Deeper into The Seven Principles of Huna will provide an opportunity to work more deeply with each of the seven principles. Each session will focus on a separate principle and will involve a mixture of teaching, exercises, experiments, and discussion as well as things to try out between sessions.

Details and booking info is found at the link below:

If you want to join us in this adventure you would be most welcome. If you have any questions or require more information just drop me a line.

Happy Huna adventures!

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