The (Eighth) Huna Principle That Never Was….

I would like to share with you a true story about another not quite Huna principle that never was. Oh and here’s an image….

I hope you are sitting comfortably….

Once upon a time either before or after Captain Cook….well in fact just over a year ago, following some deep contemplation and a few outside happenings that influenced my thinking (one of which involved an IT company and some lawyers), I was convinced that there was a place for an eighth Huna principle. I considered that that principle should be ‘Peace’.

What follows is a very abridged digest of some of the email dialog between Serge and myself when I floated this idea by him. I was, of course; living up to my Hawaiian name given to me by Serge which translated means ‘man seeking knowledge’ or perhaps in this case it could be ‘man overthinking things somewhat and trying to fit things into places they don’t fit’ (the joys of the Lono drive for resolution!). It is also the story of the origins of the image that you see at the top of this article. Please enjoy this in the light-hearted manner in which it is intended.

Pete (enthusiastically):

I really think there is a place for ‘Peace’ as an eighth Huna principle.

Serge (carefully and sagely considered).

Re: “Peace” as a Principle, all the others take the form of statements, like Energy Flows Where Attention Goes,” so what would be the statement be for Peace?

Pete (I’m going to make this happen).

Ok I have been giving the Peace one some thought outlined below – what do you think – statements in italics?

Short form: Malu: Peace

Malu: Acceptance increases as resistance decreases. (Note: the less we resist, the more we accept and are at peace and visa versa).


1. Peace is the harmonious relationship to the active and passive.

(Note: this brings in the notion that peace is not just a passive thing. We can be peaceful when we are active if that is what is harmonious for us at the time. This can link to the notions of Hu (activity) and Na (passivity) and being at peace with either when it is harmonious to do so. Like surfing the wave. We are out of peace and harmony when for example we resist activity or passivity, and it causes us disharmony to do so.

2. We are complete

This links to the notion of Kanaloa and the motivation of just being. Just being is at peace. So, in that sense, whatever we are is complete/enough/integrated. Of course, as we know there are paradoxes with these principles, so the paradox here is that ‘we are not complete/enough’ so this is a perspective that we do sometimes feel a lack. Also that there is a drive to grow and be more that comes from that. So, the notion of ‘not being complete’ can for some be not a very useful illusion and for others a useful illusion to encourage new experiences.

Some dictionary definitions

Malu. Shade, shelter, protection, peace, control, strength.

Malu.hia. Peace, quiet, security, tranquillity, serenity; safety; solemn awe and stillness that reigned during some of the ancient taboo ceremonies; peaceful, restful. E hoʻomaha me ka maluhia, rest in peace. hoʻo.malu.hia To cause or give peace, protect; to arbitrate between warring parties.

laʻi . Calm, stillness, quiet, peace, contentment, tranquillity; solace; serene, as of sea, sky, wind; quiet, silent, peaceful, pacific, tranquil, contented; to find peace.

Maybe you are going to tell me that I am thinking too much and should find some peace myself! 😊

Serge (reality checking).

After all that research I hope you realize that the Hawaiian word malu has nothing to do with acceptance. The Hawaiian word for “Accept” is ‘āpono, and it has more of a connotation of receiving. In my opinion, the closest to the kind of acceptance you are thinking of is in the phrase Aloha kaua, meaning “Let there be love and friendship between us.”

Pete (slightly crestfallen but bravely carrying on with a modest minor prophetic moment).

You’ve rained on my parade! (I’m used to rain here). As always your wisdom and insight is super appreciated. I guess, where I’m going with this has come out of a combination of: (possibly a bit off track!) research; self inquiry; and some years of experience in working with people around the broad area of well being. Then because of my love for Huna and a general natural tendency to try to fit things into the Huna principles as a useful framework. I’ve been keen to ‘situate’ what I see as some common experiences in healing and well being.

So maybe there is not a neat eighth principle (and please note, this exploration is not suggesting that the seven are inadequate in any way – I guess it’s my Lono wanting to neatly categorise and place things).

I do see acceptance and peace as really important when people get happier and experience greater well being. From a Hawaiian concept point of view these things seem different and possibly not related in the way I’ve suggested. The concept of āpono is interesting. Especially the connotation of giving. I guess we choose to give acceptance to ourselves and others.

So peace is another concept I find interesting. I’ve probably made a leap linking it to the notion of kanaloa. I just felt that ‘being’ and just being has some parallel to the experience of peace. I was also interested in exploring the notion that peace isn’t just sitting cross legged meditating on a mountain top but peace can be the harmonious relationship to active energy as well. Also, I think acceptance and peace show up when people think they are complete and enough (although paradoxically there is always more and we are separate depending on which perspective we view things from).

So maybe this is a principle that never quite was and I’m engaged in a fools errand – a futile quest for the unattainable Arthurian white hart. I think peace and acceptance are useful even if they don’t make the grade as a principle.

Maybe I’ll write something on them one day as ‘The (Eighth) Principle That Never Was’.😊

Something is definitely cooking as consistently for the past two weeks I’ve woken up each morning with these ideas in my head. – Maybe I need to eat less cheese at night….

Serge (peace making).

The desire for peace is most definitely not a fool’s errand, and your in-depth research shows your integrity. Here’s a thought: what if we conceive of a big circle representing peace that encloses all the seven principles in it? It seems to me that all of them can be related to peace in some way.

Pete (curiously).

Neat idea. I had a play at symbolising the circles. The little circle represents inner peace and the larger ‘outer’ peace.


I like your idea of “inner” and “outer” peace.

(Peace reigns across the internet and on our respective islands and a new symbol is born. We know this is true as there is an image of it at the top of this email).

The end. Pau

Join Us For An Exploration of the Wonderful Seven (NOT EIGHT!) Principles

If you want to explore the Seven Principles in more detail and how you can use them for more pleasure, insight, empowerment and effectiveness join us for a new seven part online workshop series Diving Deeper Into The Seven Principles of Huna.

These sessions are run by Stewart Blackburn and me and session one starts on November 4th. There are seven sessions (surprise) and these take place weekly at 7pm UK time. Diving Deeper into The Seven Principles of Huna will provide an opportunity to work more deeply with each of the seven principles. Each session will focus on a separate principle and will involve a mixture of teaching, exercises, experiments, and discussion as well as things to try out between sessions.

Details and booking info is found at the link below:

If you want to join us in this adventure you would be most welcome. If you have any questions or require more information just drop me a line.

Have a wonderful day and happy Huna adventures!



For 2025​

An Introduction to Huna – A Shamanic Path to Inner Harmony and Power. 4 part introduction to the wonderful Huna philosophy. Starts 6th January 2025. Details here: ​​

The Huna Adventure’s Guide to Seven Essential Explorations Online Workshop. In this workshop explore some very fascinating elements of Huna: 1. Understanding the Aloha Spirit 2. Working with the Natural Elements 3. Working with the Hawaiian Gods and Goddesses. 4. Exploring Energy. 5. The Fine Art of Manifestation. 6. The Way of Grokking. 7. Huna ‘First Aid’ Healing.

The Huna Adventurer’s Guide to Luck, Good Fortune and Success. This seven class online workshop explores Luck, Good Fortune and Success from a Huna perspective. (Booking link coming soon)

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