Working With The Seven Elements
We are surrounded by Nature, and we are an integral part of Nature. In the practice of Huna, working with the seven natural elements—Fire, Water, Wind, Stone, Plants, Animals and Humans offers a profound connection...
We are surrounded by Nature, and we are an integral part of Nature. In the practice of Huna, working with the seven natural elements—Fire, Water, Wind, Stone, Plants, Animals and Humans offers a profound connection...
We are excited to offer a seven-part online course titled “Diving Deeper into the Seven Principles of Huna.” Stewart and I, first hosted this class last year and received very positive feedback, so we are...
The Seven Principles underpin Huna philosophy. They are the fundamental building blocks of Huna and for most the first Huna concepts they get introduced to. I can certainly say that for me they have provided...
If you want to learn about Huna or have a chance to practice more, why not join me and Stewart Blackburn for our forthcoming Introduction to Huna online workshop. This course is an introduction to...