Something Good Is Going To Happen To Me Today

Our expectations have the power to shape our experiences. How often do we have limited or negative expectations about how things might turn out? As the saying goes “we tend to get what we expect,” so if we expect things to work out a certain way we shouldn’t be surprised when they do.

Something Good Is Going To Happen To Me Today

A friend of mine, who is a therapist, tells a wonderful story about when he was younger and training in a sales role, he had a mentor who had a profoundly positive effect on his life (he’s a pretty happy person BTW).

My friend said this person always seemed to be more upbeat than anyone else and radiated hugely positive energy and charisma. One day in a cafe during a break, this person was sitting with my friend who curiously asked ‘what is your secret, why are you so positive and why do good things seem to happen to you?’

He told my friend that it was simple and that for years, every morning when he would wake up he would say to himself ‘something good is going to happen to me today’.

He wouldn’t just say the words parrot fashion, but he would say them until he felt such emotion that he really began to believe it. Unsurprisingly, he felt good and really began to notice good things that happened to him each day. And it seemed to have a multiplier effect, that the more he noticed, the better he felt and the better he felt the more good things he noticed and the more people felt positive around him.

One reason I like this story, apart from the obvious message, is that my friend recounts how after the man told my friend this, the man took it upon himself to undertake a little performance right there and then in the packed cafe. This culminated with him standing up and shouting at the top of his voice multiple times:


This resulted in the whole cafe cheering and giving him a round of applause and which led to people coming over to thank him for cheering them up on a rainy day and him making more contacts for potential sales!

So it might be useful to explore where you have low expectations and experiment with believing something good is going to happen today. Because…if you do…it just might.

Happy Huna Adventures


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