Why I Love Huna – Judy Sutching

Being curious, I have asked a range of people why they have been drawn to Huna and what they most value about it. I asked fellow Alakai, Judy Sutching to provide 5 reasons why she loves Huna. I hope this inspires you.

1. It works

When I was first introduced to Huna I was searching for something that was missing. I was raised a Christian Scientist, trained to become a Reiki/Seichem Master, had the ‘Reconnection, studied Shamballa, worked with Spirit Guides and Animals, crystals and angels.

I love Huna because this beautiful philosophy – if it works use it – works. It embraces all healing techniques that have a positive influence to create a happy healthy life.

2. It is simple

Unlike religious belief systems the Huna philosophy has no dogma or rigidity or complicated rules. It is simply based on the 7 principles Ike Kala Makia Manawa ALOHA Mana Pono. It if flexible and free flowing.

I love Huna because of its simplicity.

3. It is inclusive

From the beginning of my Huna journey I felt a connection that I had been yearning for – a feeling of coming home to family. Huna welcomes everyone and anyone with no judgement.

I love Huna because ALOHA is at its core. Huna teaches interconnection with ourselves our planet and all life forms on it.

4 It is powerful

One of the first things I learnt about Huna is there is no ‘pass the buck’s. It teaches responsibility for our own actions and decisions. To stop blaming other people and outside influences. It teaches how to alter our choices and most importantly our responses to the consequences of our decisions.

I love Huna because it is so self empowering.

5. It is fun.

I love learning. At the beginning of my Huna journey I was introduced to Shamanism Hawaiian Style then Dynamind and my learning has continued to the present day. I became an Alakai and from that day my learning – and the fun – has continued.

I love Huna because it is continually adapting and growing and changing and so am I which is such Fun.

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