Happy Sunny Huna Healing Days

Here in the UK, we have had a few sustained days of wonderful sunshine and I have had the good fortune of spending some time near the coast just savouring the sunshine and sea. A great way of practicing Aloha through appreciation.

A wonderful combination of sun and sea. I find waves at the coast wonderfully mesmerising and worthy of much contemplation (I previously wrote on this topic here Learning From The Nature Of Waves).

I am also mindful of the healing nature of the sun in all its myriad forms including vitamin production, boosting the immune system, improving focus and raising ones mood.

Of course ‘healing’ and ‘health’ are interesting terms. When we talk about our healing, what do we mean by health? And what is happening when we don’t feel well? Are there other factors involved with how we feel beyond the innumerable factors outside of our control. In Huna,we make the assumption, borne from vast amounts of experience, that a key factor in out health is in our mind.

Stewart Blackburn and I will be exploring this and more concepts and tools and techniques around healing in Healing with Focussed Imagination​ – a Huna Guide eight week workshop which starts on the 9th September. You can find out more at the link below and you would be most welcome to join us for this exploration of health and healing (there is an early booking discount for a short time).

We can guarantee what we are really looking forward to this workshop which is more than I can do for the weather here in September! 🙂



Workshops for 2024

Healing With Focussed Imagination – A Huna Guide. Eight part live online workshop in September and October. Details at: https://www.urbanhuna.org/event/healing-with-focussed-imagination-a-huna-guide/

Diving Deeper into The Seven Principles of Huna – A seven part live online workshop in November and December. Details here: https://www.urbanhuna.org/event/diving-deeper-into-the-seven-principles-of-huna-24/

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