Manifestation: Concepts, Pitfalls and Troubleshooting

Manifestation: a powerful process.

Taken at the most basic level ‘to manifest’ refers to making ‘visible or obvious’. In some contexts this is broadened to refer to objects, people and situations appearing in one’s life and that somehow this is caused in the process of manifestation. In Huna there is the notion of the unseen – Po and the seen – Ao. Prior to something being manifested ie made visible or obvious, the process begins in the unseen world of Po. Something manifest is by it’s very nature seen. Of course, this is nothing startling, think about great architectural structures, production line machinery, works of art, for example, they all started in the unseen world of someone’s imagination prior to becoming manifest as things in the outer world.

Many different reactions to manifestation

The process of manifestation is often misunderstood or much maligned. The word manifestation itself conjures up a diversity of reactions ranging from:

  • it’s just pointless new age woo woo nonsense
  • meditate long enough and you get have whatever you want
  • it’s a highly practical way of acting in the world
  • I think there’s something in it but how do I make it work for me?

It is to this latter reaction that I am mindful of the writing of friend, Heart Centred Shaman and fellow Alakai Stewart Blackburn. In his article Troubleshooting the Manifestation Process, Stewart addresses some of the reasons why the manifestation process may not work and how these pitfalls and challenges can be overcome.

Problems with the manifestation process

Stewart acknowledges that there are a myriad of manifestation techniques but that the thing that counts most is the ‘emotional charge’. He then goes on to consider why people might have challenges with the manifestation process: So why do people have trouble with this? It’s an individual thing and there is no one simple answer. We’re dealing with a subjective process, not an objective one. He points out that the manifestation process is a ‘simple but subtle process’ however it ‘requires a little more finesse that at first appears’. The article then proceeds to take an in depth look at a range of challenges to the manifestation process which I have summarised at a very high level as:

  • The motivations we have behind what we want to manifest
  • The emotion that we do or do not put into the process
  • The beliefs we have and how we can get in our own way and sabotage the process

Just a couple of examples of the many challenges that Stewart addresses include:

  • Not knowing what you want. This is a common problem for many people. I have explored this challenge from the perspective of the seven principles in What Do I Want? Preparing for the Genie with Three Wishes.
  • Determining whether the motivation for manifestation ultimately comes from fear or love. Each of these motivations have a fundamentally different impact on the outcome of the process.

Persevere to get the benefits

Despite the challenges Stewart urges people not to give up and concludes: Mastering the manifestation process is a process in itself. The more we work with it, the easier it gets and the more fun we can have with it. There are few things in life that have such great rewards for the effort expended. So if you want to find out more about the manifestation process and how to troubleshoot the process for yourself I would highly recommend you read Stewart’s article Troubleshooting the Manifestation Process in full. May you be fruitful in all that you choose to manifest….

Stewart Blackburn is the author of It’s Time to Come Home: With Kindness and Compassion, We Come Back to Ourselves. His website is:

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